KKU Faculty of Medicine organizes a free social activity to train pregnant women by expert group of experts
Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department, Nursing Service Section of Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University will provide a training session for mothers-to-be and families on June 22, 2019 at 89th Anniversary of Her Majesty Princess Mother Room, Srinagarind Hospital.
Miss Kesorn Lao-akka, a Senior Professional Nurse, an inspector of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department, Nursing Service Section of Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University explained that the section is responsible for providing prenatal care for pregnant women, until delivery or caesarean, and post natal care for both the mother and child. Services include promotion of breast feeding according to the policy of Ministry of Public Health. It is known that giving birth is a natural situation a woman must face and endure the pain from it. There is the transition period from being a woman to a mother that requires knowledge, understanding, adjustment skills, and knowledge of child care. Therefore, assistance for the pregnant women to undergo this period safely and for the family to be able to provide appropriate care to both the mother and the baby necessitates preparation in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills from the pregnancy period, delivery, and post-natal care. The knowledge and skills will help lessening worries while breast-feeding is encouraged and relationships within the family enhanced, all of which will benefit child growth.

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department, Nursing Service Section of Srinagarind Hospital therefore organizes this training for pregnant women and their families on June 22, 2019 at 89th Anniversary of Her Majesty Princess Mother Room, Srinagarind Hospital with the objective to give knowledge to pregnant women receiving pre-natal care at the hospital and will give birth here in the skills of self care during the prenatal, delivery and post-natal periods, including child care and breast-feeding. Trainees will receive information about care, treatment, nursing care, etc. in order for them to adopt appropriate practices with fewer worries but satisfaction and good experiences from pre- and post-natal care at Srinagarind Hospital.
The activity features talks on: “Knowing and Understanding Pregnancy and Birth Giving” by Asst. Prof. Chompilas Jongsomchai MD, from Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University; “Preparation for Birth Giving and the Roles of Caregiver of Mother-to-be before Birth Giving” by Mrs. Sukanya Kreetiyutanon, Head of Delivery Room; training on exercising during pregnancy and positioning that assists delivery by the team from Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department; a talk on ‘Breast-feeding’ by Asst. Prof. Kusuma Chusilp, a professor from Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine; ‘Positioning for Breast-feeding and Problems Encountered in Breast-feeding’ by Miss Natiya Jaturat, a Senior Professional Nurse, Ward 2B and training on positioning in breast-feeding, child care, and exchanges of knowledge.
Pregnant women and one relative who are interested, please apply from now until June 21, 2019 at 043-303763, 043-363964 or line ID: @690jvdbu. There are only places for 30 pairs. It is free of charge.
News: Udomchai Supannawong