KKUEC welcomes staff from NECAST

Center for Ethics in Human Research of Khon Kaen University (KKUEC) welcomes staff from National Ethic Committee Accreditation System of Thailand (NECAST)

    On September 25, 2019, Prof. Dr. Monchai Duangjinda, Vice President for Research and Academic Services of Khon Kaen University, remarked welcome speech to staff from National Ethic Committee Accreditation System of Thailand (NECAST) in authority of National Research Council of Thailand. On this occasion, NECAST led by Prof. Tada Sueblinvong (M.D.) and Asst. Prof. Chalong Cheewakriangkrai (M.D.) made a follow-up visit to KKUEC. In fact, NECAST needs to work in collaboration with the Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity for Ethical Review – Forum for Ethical Research committees in Asia and the Western Pacific (SIDCER -FERCAP) assigning NECAST to monitor ethics in human research.

    From December 17-19, 2018, SIDCER-FERCAP visited NECAST for accreditation and assigned it to inspect whether the Committee of Ethics in Human Research implemented following the requirement. NECAST found that the Committee of KKUEC had implemented a plan consistent with the criteria stated in the report that was submitted to SIDCER FERCAP. This success could happen because of support from all KKU and faculty administrators, and dedication of all Committee of KKUEC.

News/ photos: Center for Ethics in Human Research

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