KKU is entitled an excellent institute in winning TQC 2018 Award

The first University in Thailand to receive Thailand Quality Class Award, TQC.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kittichai Triratanasirichai, a former KKU president, led a team of KKU administrators to receive the TQC Award 2018 at The National Cultural Center, Bangkok.

On May 15, 2019, The Office of Thailand Quality Award in collaboration with The Foundation for Thailand Productivity Institute and The Industry Network hosted a award presentation ceremony in recognition of the best quality performances among different organizations. The ceremony was chaired by a permanent secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Dr. Pasu Lohanshoon. A team of KKU administrators, consisted of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kittichai Triratanasirichai, a former KKU president, Asst. Prof. Thara Thamarote (MED.), a current KKU vice president for administration, attended the event held in The National Cultural Center in Bangkok. For this occasion, 13 institutes were given the TQC Plus Award in recognition of their supremacies in the areas of customer services, personnel management, and innovation while the Thailand Quality Class (TQC) was given to institutes with superb management toward institutional excellence.

Thailand Quality Class

Dr. Pasu Lohanshoon, a permanent secretary of the Ministry of Industry, said “In order for any institute to be compliance to the changes geared forward by globalization, a competing capacity should be escaladed. All business sectors must find their ways to raise productivity. The National Quality Award (NQA) is founded to encourage capacity development among Thai organizations in order for them to stand high at international competition. During the past year, NQA has been successful in helping organization to undergo system change to achieve higher performance levels. This year award presentation is quite exciting since more educational sectors are entitled for this award, which is a pleasant news since educational success shows progress in human development. Achieving higher quality in education development signifies that fact that human resources are greater developed. I would like to congratulate to Khon Kaen University for their mastery of this quality award”.

As the first Thai university to master the Thailand Quality Class (TQC), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sirichai Triratanasirichai, a former KKU president, revealed four factors that forwards KKU to its management success. 1) Setting clear university’s goals and the involvement of all stakeholders in establishing the goals, 2) Collective movement of the goals with collaboration from all, 3) Establishing regional and international community connection in order to obtain information about the existing problems before researching for the remedies. With its dedication for public and community betterment, Time Higher Education (THE) ranks KKU on the 101-200 interval of the world’s best university, and the first in Thailand, for social dedication, and 4) Implanting of organizational culture on quality insurance. KKU has made this its policy since 1997, a time a which the university quality insurance center was founded. The university has collaborated with many national quality insurance institutes. The insurance process is applied for all KKU offices.

For the year 2018, thirteen Thai organizations were awarded with different award categories as follows; The Thailand Quality Class Plus: Operation is for The Ethylene Oxide Product Group, PTT Global Chemicals Public Company Limited, The Thailand Quality Class Plus : Customer is for The Government Savings Bank, The Thailand Quality Class (TQC) is given to 11 organizations including; KKU, Ratchaprapha, Wajiralongkorn Dam, Srinagarind Dam, Faculty of Medical Science of Chulalongkorn University, The Government Housing Bank, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, Khanon Electricity Generating Company, PTT All Engineer Public Company Limited, IRCP Public Company Limited, and Water Power Electricity Generating Plant in the Northeast.

Due to its high standard operation, Thailand Quality Class award is compatible to other world class awards such as The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) of The United States of America, which is the award that set the standard for quality award presentation in other 80 nations worldwide, including Japan, Australia, Singapore and the Philippines. By participating this this award, Thai organizations have introduced the world class standard for institutional management to their offices. Whether or not an organization wins the completion, the institute is given clear reflections from a professional evaluating team about its strengths and weaknesses. The grantees of this awards are recognized by other international organizations.
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