Empowering Educators: KKU Partners with South Korea’s the Gyeongsangnam Office of Education for Innovation-Driven Teaching

The Faculty of Education, KKU, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Isara Kanjak, Dean of the Faculty, recently hosted a delegation from the Gyeongsangnam Office of Education, Republic of Korea, headed by Mr. Lee Dong Wook, Advisor and Assistant Superintendent. The meeting was also attended by prominent Thai educators and officials, including Assist. Prof. Dr. Poolsak Koseeyaporn, Vice President of the National Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation Policy Council, and Ajarn Chatuporn Chokpookiew, Director of the Office of Cluster Coordination (PMUB). The discussions, held on August 27, 2024, at the Faculty of Education, focused on strengthening educational collaboration between the two countries.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Isara Kanjak explained that the talks aimed to exchange insights and experiences on educational practices and innovations from South Korea, which will be adapted to enhance the effectiveness of education in Thailand. The partnership marks a crucial milestone in fostering collaboration between the Faculty of Education and the Gyeongsangnam Office of Education. This cooperation is expected to lead to student and faculty exchanges, joint educational research, and the development of innovative teaching methodologies.
Transforming Thai Teachers into Educational Innovators

รศ.ดร.อิศรา ก้านจักร (ขวา) / Mr.Lee Dong wook (ซ้าย)
A major focus of the discussions was on elevating Thai teachers to become educational innovators capable of designing and implementing cutting-edge teaching strategies. Two key initiatives were highlighted:
1. Education Sandbox Initiative:
This initiative is aimed at reshaping the way Thai teachers are trained, with a focus on creating “premium teachers” who are well-equipped to address the challenges of modern education. The National Higher Education Policy Council is spearheading the project, with several key institutions playing supporting roles, including the Faculty of Education, the Office of the Higher Education Commission, and the Teachers’ Council of Thailand. The initiative will also receive funding and research support from PMUB and other organizations.
The Faculty of Education will act as the lead institution, bringing together regional higher education institutes to collaboratively design a model for teacher development. This model will not only benefit new teachers but also help current teachers upskill through continuous learning. The first round of discussions involved representatives from the South Korean Ministry of Education and Thai experts. The next meeting, scheduled for October 2024 in South Korea, will focus on finalizing an MOU for knowledge exchange, particularly in the areas of teacher development and educational technology.

2. ASEAN Leadership in Educational Innovation:
The Faculty of Education aims to become a leading educational institution in ASEAN, with a strong emphasis on educational innovation. As South Korea has emerged as a global leader in innovative practices following World War II, the faculty plans to leverage South Korean expertise to further its own ambitions. Joint projects will be developed, utilizing KKU Demonstration School as a foundation for collaborative efforts between academia and leading South Korean companies such as Aero Thinking, a firm specializing in educational technology.
Looking to the Future: Innovating Education in Thailand

Assist. Prof. Dr. Poolsak Koseeyaporn laid out the vision for this collaboration during the discussions, expressing optimism that the project will launch in Thailand’s 2024 fiscal year. He highlighted the importance of introducing new educational experiences and innovations that go beyond mere adoption of existing technologies. Thai educators are expected to play an active role in developing new, homegrown innovations that can be used in schools across the country, eventually extending to industries involved in the creation of educational tools.
The ultimate goal is to empower Thai teachers to become leaders in educational innovation, capable of designing solutions that address the demands of the rapidly evolving industrial world. By working closely with South Korean experts, Thailand hopes to unlock new opportunities for teachers and students alike, laying the foundation for a more innovative and effective educational system.


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