
KKU joins MHESI, TCEB, and FTI Khon Kaen to release the news of the “Tech Innovation for Sustainable Future” Exhibition

Wednesday July 27, 2022 – Khon Kaen University, Science, Research, and Innovation Promotion Division, by the Northeast Regional Network of MHESI, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau, Federation of Thai Industries and other allies held a press release to announce the exhibition: Tech Innovation for Sustainable Future and Food and Agro Tech 2022. The executives meeting […]

KKU joins MHESI, TCEB, and FTI Khon Kaen to release the news of the “Tech Innovation for Sustainable Future” Exhibition Read More »

Breaking news! KKU research team discovers World’s new species of gnat-like insect living in bamboo forest, 1,000 m over sea level

Breaking news! KKU research team discovers World’s new species of gnat-like insect living in bamboo forest, 1,000 m over sea level This marks another key discovery of a new tarantura of the world. The first discovery of tarantura in Asia in 104 years There has never been any tarantura with its ecology being a bamboo

Breaking news! KKU research team discovers World’s new species of gnat-like insect living in bamboo forest, 1,000 m over sea level Read More »

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