KKU’s way out is unlearning for relearning in order to steadily move to the e-world
Recently, digital data is crucial for public, private, and commercial sectors. Digital data definition in the digital age is massive information. Every time we move our fingers, we already created “digital footprint” which is valuable information because it can be used to respond customers’ need, not only in business but also education.
According to the online learning platform named Coursera that gathers curricula from many well-known universities specializing in each area of knowledge, almost 80% of its income in 2018 came from Data Science Curricular (31%), Technology Curricular (25%), and Business Curricular (23%). This indicated that online learning and system management related to digital data are in high demand.
As an internationally recognized university of research and development, Khon Kaen University has implemented the policy to step into the age of Digital Information. As a result, KKU organized the seminar on KKU Digital Transformation 2019 to inform staff, raise awareness of digital changes, encourage them to use technology for better performance met with the customers’ demand, and prepare them for internal and external changes leading to the true digital technology. At the seminar, it was an honor to have Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Chairman of the University Council, Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul (MD), President of Khon Kaen University, and Asst. Prof. Denpong Soodphakdee, Vice President for Digital University Development, presenting as keynote speakers. A lot of administrators, staff, and students attended the seminar, and honorable speakers from public as well as private sectors also gave talks on digital trend at the Meeting Room 301 of Common Learning Building 2 on July 23, 2019.

Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee stated that in the digital age many groups of people had to work together online. Enterprises had widely used digital technology; governmental offices had an urgent need to set their digital system; scholars, universities and research institutes were ready with human resource and digital infrastructure. Khon Kaen University had introduced digital technology to administration 4 years ago. It was obvious that digital technology had changed people’s lives in all dimensions, especially education. Therefore, there were 3 necessary things for becoming green and smart campus: convenient and safe transportation, energy saving, and management by digital system.
“Scientists have developed technology over the past 100 years, but the turning point confirming that the digital age is coming was smartphones – the competition between Iphone and Samsung. The new world actually happened, so we need to adapt ourselves. Now there is increasing in number of information mine. The more we use technology, the more deeply information embedded in the system. Silicon Valley, one of the most important innovation incubators in the USA, has studied human and AI technology. It was found that algorithm for blockchain storing data had been done automatically. However, what makes AI different from human is consciousness. Any society that has no problems with digital work can proceed digitally and fast. It means that society doesn’t have data to transform them into the digital form. Khon Kaen University has to reset quite a lot of information because we would like to focus on digitalization, replacing some process done by human with the help of computer programs that learn how to work automatically. Therefore, our way out in the digital age is unlearning for relearning in order to steadily move to the e-world,” said Chairman of the University Council.

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul revealed that digital transformation had to start from staff and students with the help of modern infrastructure network including computer programs, internationalization, and international networking for university development – academic, research, and services. Lecturers, staff, and students who were internationalized and international settings could be beneficial to administration in all dimensions. These would affect the higher World University Ranking, too. If enough digital data and the approaching AI technology had been applied properly, they could promote students’ and customers’ satisfaction. Moreover, educational system would be developed quickly and widely.
It was an honor to have Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tanachad Numnoon giving a talk on Digital Trends 2020, Ajarn Prinya Hom-anek giving a talk on basic law, cyber security, and personal information, Khun Thanakorn Pariyaisut giving a talk on digital process automation transforms paper to digital work flow, and Khun Thammanun Wetwittayaklang giving a talk on digital technology and desirable skills as well as opportunity in the future. Moreover, a lot of companies came to exhibit their innovation and technology for students and staff.
News: Jiraporn Pratomchai
Photos: Attapol Hampong
Thank you www.marketingoops.com for information about current digital trend
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