Khon Kaen University organizes the 2024 Wai Khru Ceremony: “Colorful Creative Wai Khru Ceremony” – Coloring, Creating, and Continuing the Love from Students to Teachers

On Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 9:30 AM, Khon Kaen University held the Wai Khru Ceremony for the 2024 academic year at the Golden Jubilee Convention Center. The ceremony was presided over by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University, along with the university’s administrators, honored guests, and students, who attended the ceremony warmly.

รศ.นพ.ชาญชัย พานทองวิริยะกุล อธิการบดีมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, Ph.D., President of Khon Kaen University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, President of Khon Kaen University, gave a speech stating that today’s Wai Khru Ceremony is held to express love, remembrance, and gratitude towards the teachers. This ceremony brings joy, pride, and satisfaction to all the faculty members. However, above all, the greatest pride for a teacher is to see their students succeed, become good people, and serve as important contributors to the society and the nation.

“In the Wai Khru Ceremony, it is stated that teachers are the ones who impart knowledge and cultivate morality. This serves as a reminder for teachers as well. Imparting knowledge in the present era is different from when we were children, where teachers were the sole source of our learning. According to the Teaching Paradigm theory, teachers are the ‘Deliverer of the Known,’ transmitting knowledge to students. Nowadays, knowledge is abundant and beyond the grasp of any single teacher. Students must learn within an environment filled with knowledge. However, teachers still play a crucial role. Teachers are still the ones who instill wisdom and discern which knowledge is true or false. They guide students in choosing genuine knowledge and discarding the fake. Students must learn to think critically and synthesize knowledge and other skills.”

“Cultivation of morality pertains to the training of personal habits. When we come to study, it encompasses competencies: knowledge, skills, and habits. Having extensive knowledge and skills alone is not sufficient; one must also have good habits to become a well-rounded graduate and achieve success in their future careers.”

“In addition, during the ceremony, certificates were awarded to students with the highest GPA in each faculty, with representatives expressing their sentiments on this occasion.”

นางสาวพัชพร จูมคำ นักศึกษาชั้นปีที่ 4 สาขาการจัดการธุรกิจบริการและการจัดงาน คณะบริหารธุรกิจและการบัญชี ตัวแทนนักศึกษา

Ms. Patchaporn Choomkum, a 4th year student in the Service Business Management and Event Management program, Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, student representative.


Ms. Patchaporn Choomkum, a fourth-year student in the Service Business Management and Event Management program, Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, with the highest GPA of 4.00), expressed her feelings, saying that Khon Kaen University has provided her and her fellow students with various knowledge and skills. She also thanked all the professors for their kindness and dedication in teaching, offering guidance, and providing full support to all students. This has equipped everyone with knowledge, skills, and valuable experiences, making them proud to be part of this prestigious institution. Moreover, she expressed confidence in applying the knowledge and experiences gained from this university to their future careers.

The Wai Khru Ceremony for the 2024 academic year was under the theme “Colorful Creative Wai Khru Ceremony: Coloring, Creating, and Continuing the Wai Khru Tradition,” aligning with the modern era’s advancements in technology and AI development. The ceremony was filled with warmth, love, and faith between students and teachers. Before the ceremony began, the “Floral Devotion: Floral Cones of Love” activity was held, where students designed and decorated floral cones themselves. There was also an activity for making digital phan offerings on an interactive screen. The ceremony took place from 8:30 a. m. to 12:00 p. m., featuring the following activities: a procession led by the university administrators and a procession of the Wai Khru trays (organized by the Student Organization/Student Council) into the ceremony area; a performance by the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts titled “Bai Sri Tai Thewa: Honoring the Teachers;” The President lighting incense and candles to pay homage to the Triple Gem; a student representative presenting  the homage to the Triple Gem and the teacher’s praise, followed by a traditional Thai narrative poem in honor of the teachers; a choir performance of the song “Phra Khun Thi Sam” by the choir club; The Student Organization and Student Council, representing the students, presenting the Wai Khru trays to the university administrators and faculty members; a student representative presenting book trays and an iPad for the President to anoint: Remarks from a student representative with outstanding academic performance, expressing their feelings.

Following that, the President presented awards for the AI Wai Khru Tray competition and certificates to 22 students with the highest GPA in their respective faculties, and gave a speech to the students. Afterwards, students offered floral cones and received traditional wrist-binding ceremonies and wristbands from the university administrators. The event concluded with a contemporary performance and singing session, where administrators and students sang together, and the ceremony was closed at 12:00 p.m.


News: Benjamaporn Mamook

Photos: Attapol Hampong


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