Asst. Prof. Tala Thammaroj

KKU is ranked the first of Thailand by THE Impact Rankings 2023 for the SDG in ‘zero hunger’ and ‘quality education’, and the 97th of the world for sustainable development goals

Times Higher Education (THE), one of the world’s best and well accepted university ranking institution just announced the 2023 world university ranking based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or THE Impact Rankings of 2023. There were 65 Thai universities (52 last year) from 1,591 universities and institutions all over the world that have been […]

KKU is ranked the first of Thailand by THE Impact Rankings 2023 for the SDG in ‘zero hunger’ and ‘quality education’, and the 97th of the world for sustainable development goals Read More »

Times Higher Education”, a leading world university ranking institution, ranks KKU the first institution in Thailand that targets poverty elimination and food security promotion

“Times Higher Education”, a leading world university ranking institution in England or“THE” has made an announcement just recently of THE Impact Ranking 2022 of universities that carry out missions for the society. This year, it is something to be proud of that the overall score of Khon Kaen University is higher than last year, being

Times Higher Education”, a leading world university ranking institution, ranks KKU the first institution in Thailand that targets poverty elimination and food security promotion Read More »

KKU is ranked the 4th in the country for outstanding research, judged by ISC World University Rankings 2021

Nowadays, there are more than 20 institutions that rank universities all over the world, using different criteria. ISC World University Rankings is another institution in the Middle-east than includes Khon Kaen University under its rank every year. And this year, KKU is ranked the 4th in the country by ISC World University Rankings 2021, the

KKU is ranked the 4th in the country for outstanding research, judged by ISC World University Rankings 2021 Read More »

KKU – 1st of Thailand and 78th of the world for THE 2021 Quality Education

“Times Higher Education” or “THE”, the world leading university ranking institution in England announced the “THE Impact Rankings 2021”, which came from the evaluation of 1,115 universities from 94 countries all over the world, based on the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is the great pride that Khon Kaen University is ranked

KKU – 1st of Thailand and 78th of the world for THE 2021 Quality Education Read More »