KKU joins a binary meeting with Philippines on mathematic education

KKU representatives attended the 1st DOST-SEI Project STAR International Conference held in Manila, the Philippines’ Capital, between 7-9 August, 2019. The meeting focuses on the exchange of ideas on mathematics and science education management.



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha, KKU vice president for education, acting director of Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession in ASEAN, director of Center for Research in Mathematic Education, President of Mathematic Education Association, and former dean of Faculty of Education, joined the meeting held between 7-9 August, 2019 at Manila, The Philippines.

There were about 300 mathematic teachers and academics from the region attending the conference with the topic, “Perspectives in Science and Mathematics Education: Building Connections, Sustaining Innovations and Sharing Pedagogies”.  The meeting allows the participants to exchange their ideas on mathematic pedagogy and innovation relating to it.

On August 9th, 2019, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha, KKU vice president for education, acting director of Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession in ASEAN, director of Center for Research in Mathematic Education, President of Mathematic Education Association, and former dean of Faculty of Education, and Assoc. Prof. Ua-Chit Patanachak, Chaiperson of mathematic curriculum administrative board, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education of Khon Kaen University, gave a lecture to the meeting on the topic, “Professional and Personal Development Frameworks focusing on STEM Education”. Assoc. Prof. Maitree Intraprasitha also gave a lecture on, “Open Approach Lesson Study: Adaptive Innovation for Teaching Mathematics”.

Following the lecture, there was a question and answer session which allowed discussion on the following questions; 1) What should be done to assure that the instruction covers all contents of the curriculum? 2) Should learning or class objectives be told to the students? 3) Can approach be used in teaching science? 4) For a teacher training, can the objectives of the training be told to the teachers?