KKU Transformation: Leaping score places KKU as a Grade A organization from 2023 ITA , assessment of integrity and transparency of governmental organization

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) just announced the results of the Integrity and Transparency Assessment of the Governmental Organizations of 2023. Khon Kaen University receives the total score of 90.06, which has been evaluated from the following three parts:

The Open Data Integrity and Transparency Assessment (OIT) – KKU scores 97.50.

The External Integrity and Transparency Assessment (EIT) – KKU scores 84.57.

The Internal Integrity and Transparency Assessment (IIT) – KKU scores 85.67.

Asst. Prof. Tala Thammaroj, M.D., Vice President for Administration stated that the score of Khon Kaen University is at Grade A level. Before now, KKU scored over 85.

“Khon Kaen University sees the importance of the assessment of integrity and transparency and never misses the assessment. This year, we are placed as one of the Grade A organization just like the past years. The outstanding results are in anti-corruption and prevention of revelation of information, which we nearly receive the full score. The lowest part of our score is in implementation which we have to improve in due course.”

Asst. Prof. Tala Thammaroj added that being a Grade A organization reflects the importance we have placed on integrity and transparency. KKU administrators always follow-up work on these two issues.

Meanwhile, the indicators for assessing the transparency of the administrators have been set and we have relied on ITA for over 4 years. We are now prepared to set integrity and transparency as the 10th strategy of Khon Kaen University.

“ITA is part of the image of the University. The image in this regard of Khon Kaen University is outstanding, for KKU is the first university to be awarded in transparency from NACC in 2020. This confirms that KKU has implemented works continuously in this aspect.”

The personnel and students are the important power that will make the integrity and transparency of KKU more outstanding, especially the personnel who interact with external people must do their jobs transparently and provide equal service to all. KKU personnel will not call for any benefits and must be service-minded. The students should also behave decently and help the community whenever they have the opportunity. All of these reflect KKU’s score increase in ITA. The high score is from collaboration of all parts of Khon Kaen University.

News / Photos: Phanit Khatanak

