October 21, 2020, 10:00 a.m. at Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University – An opening ceremony was held for the community dental care service and exhibition of the Royal Grandmother and dental care and dental innovation on the occasion of the National Dental Health Day. Assoc. Prof. Waranuch Pitipat, D.D.S., Dean of Faculty of Dentistry of Khon Kaen University presided over the ceremony, while Assoc. Prof. Anoma Ratanajaroentham, D.D.S., Associate Dean for Administration gave a reporting speech. The Faculty’s administrators, dentists, students and staff members joined.
Assoc. Prof. Waranuch Pitipat, D.D.S., Dean of Faculty of Dentistry explained that the activities performed on the National Dental Health Day, October 21, began in 1986 and has continued every year until now. The Voluntary Doctors and Dentists under the Princess Srinagarindra Foundation carry out the activities on the occasion of the Royal Grandmother’s birthday, owing to HRH’s determination to promote good health among the people of Thailand, especially when it comes to oral diseases and dental problems, which may not seem to be serious but are chronic and affect health as well as economy. Her Royal Highness the Royal Grandmother believed the problem was important and had continuously supported dental care activities. In 1989, the Cabinet at that time authorized October 21 of every year to be the National Dental Health Day. On this day, the Voluntary Doctors and Dentists under the Princess Srinagarindra Foundation by the dental care unit of each governmental organization in the country, through the recognition of the Royal Grandmother’s virtue, will provide dental care service to the public free of charge. The activities are the merit making for “The Mother of Thai Dentistry”.

“Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University is one of the organizations that continuously carries out dental care service to the people on the National Dental Health Day every year. This year, it is expected that the activities will encourage people to learn to take care of their own oral health. The activities also are arranged to follow the Royal Grandmother’s intention to help Thai people to recover from pain occurring because of oral diseases. The staff members of the Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University are strongly determined to continuously improve the dental health of Thai people,” Assoc. Prof. Waranuch Pitipat, D.D.S., Dean of Faculty of Dentistry said.
The opening ceremony featured the donation of money for the Faculty of Dentistry Fund for Assisting Patients with Oral Cancer. The aim is to return the smile to the needy patients, or to cover the medical charge that cannot be reimbursed from their rights. The donation was under the SYSTEMA project of Lion (Thailand) Co. Ltd., at an amount of 100,000 baht, which was given by Khun Kanthachit Saranbandit, Manager of the HBA Product Category of Lion (Thailand) Co. Ltd. Assoc. Prof. Waranuch Pitipat represented the faculty to receive the donated money, which will be deposited in the fund.
The event this year began with people registering for dental care from 8:00 a.m. The students of the faculty, professors and staff welcomed them to the dental care room on the 2nd floor of Dental Hospital of the faculty. The event also featured an exhibition of the Royal Grandmother and exhibitions in dental knowledge for people who came to receive dental care service.
In the morning at the Royal Monument in front of Srinagarind Hospital of Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Assoc. Prof. Waranuch Pitipat and the staff of the faculty made merit by offering food to the monks and presenting the flower tray to pay respect to Princess Srinagarindra on the occasion of the National Dental Health Day, the National Nursing Day, the National Social Welfare Day and Thai Volunteer Day. The exhibitions were then officially opened for the public to see at the same place.
News / Photos: Udomchai Supannawong
News information: Public Relation Section of Faculty of Dentistry
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