July 30, 2020 at College of Graduate Study in Management – Human Resource Section and the Ethics Committee held the meeting on understanding of ethics for supporting staff. The learning and sharing theme was “Building Integrity Culture at Workplace”. Eighty supporting staff members of KKU attended. The opening ceremony was presided over by Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthong viriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University, who made the opening address. Assoc. Prof. Kriengkrai Kitcharoen, Ph.D., Vice President for Human Resources conveyed a reporting speech. Among participants was Mr. Sathit Kaewbudda, Director of Human Resources Division.
Assoc. Prof. Kriengkrai Kitcharoen, Ph.D., Vice President for Human Resources explained about the objectives of the event. Because KKU aims to administer with good governance and to build happiness under the strategy and change management, the transparency values and responsibilities are promoted among all levels of personnel. The University’s Ethics Committee has the power and duty to enhance ethics and promote and support officers of the university to observe these. KKU sees the importance of such promotion and enhancement according to the principles of the Office of National Counter-Corruption Commission, therefore this project has been carried out. The objectives are to prevent wrong doing and corruption. It is expected that the integrity culture will be built all over the university. From this project, the staff members will be acknowledged of problems from corruptions, which are the very important issue in the administration. Implementation in this respect must be proactive so that the wrong values will be lessened or totally avoided. As such the public would accept the work of the official sector in prevention of corruptions.

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthong viriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University said in his opening speech that the topic “Building Integrity Culture at Workplace” is a very good topic. It reflects the university’s determination to build the good culture. Khon Kaen University Council has established the administrative strategy for the university that incorporates administration with good governance or “spiritual” administration. The university applies the evaluation process that involves assessment of ethics and transparency in the operationห (Integrity & Transparency Assessment: ITA). Besides, KKU has appointed the Ethics Committee, which is chaired by Dr. Tej Bunnag, Vice President of the University Council. The committee will disseminate knowledge and understanding as well as promote officers in the university to work with honesty and moral.
This meeting is expected to build Integrity & Transparency toward success. The organizers are thankful towards the speaker who shared the knowledge and experiences, and toward the human resource section and participants who sacrificed their time for the meeting.
The talks were under 4 topics: 1. Concepts and theories on prevention and suppression of corruptions in governmental organizations. 2. Principles for integrity and transparency assessment. 3. Responsibilities of officers in their operations. 4. Cautions in operations and court judgment. The guest speaker was Khun Rachai Assawet, an expert in law at tertiary level and former chairman of university’s lawyer group. Presently, he is a committee member of the personnel administration committee and a consultant of many universities in Thailand, such as Nakhon Panom University, Kalasin University, Naresuan University and Khon Kaen University and a special professor at many universities, too.

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