According to the pandemic of the New Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Thailand, there are continuously increasing of infectious people. As Khon Kaen University (KKU) is the leading knowledge institute in academic and research University, our lectures, staff, and students are promptly supporting this situation to decrease the pandemic of this disease. Thus, they cooperate project to create the Sanitizer Tunnel and give to hospitals in Khon Kaen
Asst. Prof. Supasit Konyai, Deputy director of KKU Library, and the Head of the research team said the Sanitizer Tunnel Functions have 8 tanks sprayers and when turning on the sensor, 80 liters/hr. will be used. However, we set up the sensor for just 20 seconds, so the 60 liters of the water tank can be used all day. For today’s experiment, they use freshwater without sanitizer solutions. And for the budget of equipment, the sensor providing to develop the original one is supported by the Innovation and Enterprise department: Assoc.Prof. Thidarut Boonmars, Vice President for Innovation and Enterprise that supports the budget and space to creative work at KKU Maker Space. Moreover, the period of creating is 1 week with 7,000 baht/ set. Now, we produce 2 original models and will continue to produce for 15 as a total.
Mr. Piyapong Wongkhankaew, a Ph.D. student majoring in agricultural engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KKU, and one of the design and production team additionally said that the special of Sanitizer Tunnel is Ultrasonic Sensors. This Ultrasonic Sensors will scan when found the object movement, and the system will command to pumping function. Moreover, for the sanitizer spray, we choose the smallest injector when spraying by set up the sensor for 20 seconds.
At first, KKU Library and Srinakarin hospital, KKU will start launching to reduce the infective risk, and to increase the safety. Moreover, to build the trustworthiness of library users and medical staff. Besides, using the Sanitizer Tunnel in the KKU Library, they also measure the temperature of staff and library users.

On the pandemic of the New Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation, KKU Library, and KKU Maker Space open the space for the researchers’ team, including medical staff to develop and create work at 1st floor, 2nd building, KKU Library, Khon Kaen University.