On June 4, 2019, at The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, KKU Bureau of Academic Administration and Development hosted an ASEAN Cooperative Education presentation contest for the second semester of the academic year 2019.
On June 4, 2019, at The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, KKU Bureau of Academic Administration and Development hosted an ASEAN Cooperative Education presentation contest for the second semester of the academic year 2019. The event was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prapansak Chaweerach, a director of the Bureau of Academic Administration and Development, and Asst. Prof. Daranee Homdee, a deputy director of the Bureau of Academic Administration and Development, reported the objectives of the project. The contest was well participated by various groups of people including; the judges, the teachers and the students who are stakeholders of ASEAN Cooperative Education program.
The ASEAN Cooperative Education contest is conducted in order to; a) encourage exchange of experiences after the completion of cooperative education program in the designated ASEAN countries, b) show the students achievement and learning from the ASEAN Cooperative Education, and c) select the best piece of work to be used as a prototype for the next year program.
Asst. Prof. Daranee Hormdee, a deputy director of the Bureau of Academic Administration and Development, remarked that cooperative education is a highly effective program for student development. After the completion of this program, the students are equipped with knowledge and skills required by all levels of employers. About 250 students took part in the contest that is divided into oral and poster presentations. There were 192 students who attended the program in the ASEAN countries, the contents were classified into two groups; 1) science and technology and 2) humanities and social sciences and management sciences.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prapansak Chaweerach, a director of Bureau of Academic Administration and Development, said this contest brought about many good things such as; being a medium for the exchange of experience, practicing of presentation skill via the application of various media, creating of student network, creating collaboration between business entrepreneurs, creating multidisciplinary courses and research, and preparing the students the future career and fitting them to the requirement of the future workforces.
Out of a total of 192 students who attended the cooperative education in ASEAN countries, the specific numbers of students for each faculty are: 6 from medical sciences, 23 from agriculture, 12 from engineering, 31 from sciences, 1 from technology, 27 from humanities and social sciences, 29 from business administration and accountancy, 2 from economic, 4 from integrated social sciences, 13 from business administration, 2 from fine and applied art, and 42 from college of local administration. Based on a contingent base division, the number of students attended the cooperative education program in seven ASEAN countries are; 54 students went to Vietnam, 72 to Laos, 2 to Myanmar, 9 to Cambodia, 16 to Indonesia, 22 to Malaysia, 8 to The Philippines, and 9 to Singapore.
The winners for the cooperative education presentation contest 2019, each received a money award of 500 Baht, were listed. For science and technology, the winners are; Mr. Tanadol Jantarasuriyawong (engineering), Mr. Apiwan Pakama (science), Ms. Jurarat Nuengchomphoo (agriculture), and Ms. Supawadee Ruengchanda (agriculture). For humanities and social sciences, the winners are; Mr. Pongpawee Chanteeraprawat (humanities and social sciences), Ms. Mintra Wongvirat (COLA), Ms. Nichagorn Nipornrum (Humanities), Ms. Pajari Srihaklang (Humanities) and Mr. Narawit Lilayuwat (Humanities).
News/Photos: Ponthip Wata