Faculty of Medicine succeeds in energy consumption reduction and wins a prize from ASEAN and National Energy Conservation by the 7-year operations equivalent to an amount of over 171 million baht
June 5, 2019, Mitrapap Room, 3rd Floor of Lecture Building, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University – Environmental and Physical Section of Faculty of Medicine held a workshop on “Faculty of Medicine’s Energy and Environmental Conservation Day, 2019” on the occasion of the International Environmental Day according to the UN announcement. Over 200 representatives from different organizations and faculties and from Faculty of Medicine staff joined. The event began by the presentation of flower tray and lighting of incense sticks and candles to pay respect in front of the portrait of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great, “The Father of Thai Energy Development”. Assoc. Prof. Apichat Tirawutthipong MD, Associate Dean for Hospital Affairs presided over the opening ceremony. Assoc. Prof. Pipatpong Khaenla MD, Associate Dean for Physical and Environmental Work and chairperson of the event made a reporting speech.
The workshop on “Faculty of Medicine’s Energy and Environmental Conservation Day, 2019” was organized to build conscience among staff members, students and those receiving services to continuously and concretely cooperate in energy conservation and reduction of unnecessary energy use. The workshop will lead to cooperation in a campaign for the use of quality and environmental friendly resources in order to reduce the problem of disposal of garbage that can turn to pollution, greenhouse gas, and global warming. It offers a chance for learning and sharing and disseminating of knowledge and Symbolic Process Analysis (SPA) to increase efficiency of energy efficiency and environmental management in different wards and parts of the faculty without interfering with the service qualities.

Assoc. Prof. Pipatpong Khaenla MD said, “Faculty of Medicine has carried out the “Energy Conservation Project under the Faculty’s Glorification towards the Great King” since 2011. The project’s name was changed to “Energy and Environmental Conservation Project of Faculty of Medicine under the Faculty’s Glorification towards the Great King” in 2018. All administrators of the faculty support this project as well as all staff members of the faculty, the students, and those receiving services at Srinagarind Hospital. We were able to reduce electricity consumption as planned and were awarded 3 prizes, namely, Thailand Energy Awards 2013 of the outstanding controlled building category, ASEAN Energy Awards 2013 of the outstanding big-sized building energy management category, and Thailand Energy Awards 2015 of the controlled building energy management teamwork category. We have also been certified under ISO 50001:2011 for energy efficiency management and ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management in 2015 and 2016, respectively. The outcomes of energy conservation work from 2011 until 2018, when analyzed, are equivalent to an amount of 171,691,860 baht saved. This is owing to everyone’s dedication. The success enhances more awareness of staff, students, and patients in sustainable energy and environmental conservation.”

Assoc. Prof. Apichat Tirawutthipong MD added, The“ Faculty of Medicine’s Energy and Environmental Conservation Day, 2019” has been organized with assistance from all levels of the faculty’s members, who paid attention to their fullest extent in energy and environmental conservation and management. This has been ongoing for 9 years now. The result is the saving of energy equivalent to over 170 million baht. Everyone has also initiated a system for energy and environmental management until we receive the ISO standard certification. Presently, we have replaced a number of equipment using high energy-efficiency equipment instead, which has been supported by Ministry of Energy in order to save energy and conserve the environment. All of you have contributed to the operation and have driven forward the administrative strategies of Faculty of Medicine until now, and this will go on during the next 4 years.”
“Today is another important day that UN announced as the ‘International Environmental Day’. It is a good chance to relate to each other experiences in energy conservation that can be adopted in one another’s department. It is also a chance to glorify His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great, “The Father of Thai Energy Development”. The work on energy and environmental conservation has been ongoing to follow the steps of King Rama IX. The benefits will be on the country and all of the population,” Assoc. Prof. Apichat Tirawutthipong ended.
The seminar also featured a special talk on “Building Health” by Ajarn Bandit Ngamwatanasin, Executive Manager and President of Innovation Technology Co. Ltd.; competition of energy efficiency projects and environmental conservation projects based on Symbolic Process Analysis (SPA) for the patient wards and departments of Faculty of Medicine. These were presented both orally and on posters. Other faculties were also invited to submit their projects for competition in the poster presentation session. There were cash prizes and certificates awarded to project presenters and their affiliation.
It was a good chance for participants to be exposed to new knowledge and innovations. Faculty of Medicine hopes to receive continual cooperation from administrators, lecturers, staff members, students, and those receiving services at the faculty, and hopes that they will understand and will be aware of the values of energy and environmental resources and ask other people to save energy for the benefits of themselves, their families, the country, and all people in the world.