KKU joins AIA to support 6 Isan schools to enter KKU Volleyball Academy – preparing youths for the world unions

Wednesday June 5, 2024 – Khon Kaen University held an MOU signing ceremony with AIA Company and 6 schools in the Northeast to support KKU Volleyball Academy. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Chairman of Khon Kaen University Council; Mr. Nikhil Advani, CEO of AIA Thailand; Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University; Assoc. Prof. Pensri Charoenwanich, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy and Chairperson of the Administration Committee of KKU Volleyball Academy Project; Assoc. Prof. Piansak Pakdee, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relation, Khon Kaen University; and administrators of the 6 schools. The event was held at Bayasita Hotel, Khon Kaen University.

Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Chairman of Khon Kaen University Council delivered the speech of appreciation towards AIA Co. Ltd., for seeing the importance of KKU Volleyball Academy Project. The MOU and budget support gives the chance for the youths and volleyball players in the Northeast. Besides, the other supports for the activities with Khon Kaen University lead to systematic development of girl volleyball players, enabling them to train and accumulate their experiences from competitions. The Chairman of the University Council then appreciated Khon Kaen University for carrying out this project very efficiently. Finally, Dr. Narongchai ended by saying that he was pleased that the schools in the Northeast join this project.

Mr. Nikhil Advani, CEO of AIA Thailand  said he was pleased to support KKU Volleyball Academy. The company has supported an amount of 1,500,000 baht for the purpose to assist school students and university students to train and develop their volleyball skill. This support was aimed at promoting and developing students to enter the professional unions at the national and international levels in the future.

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University added that on the occasion of the University’s 60th anniversary, which is the 60 years of creativity and development for the society, Khon Kaen University has organized different activities to celebrate the occasion the whole year round, including this KKU VOLLEYBALL ACADEMY Project. This academy has been established following the University Council Chairman’s intention in 2023. The objectives are to promote and develop the skills and capacity in volleyball of school students in the Northeast until they can enter professional leagues.

Assoc. Prof. Pensri Charoenwanich, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy and Chairperson of the Administration Committee of KKU Volleyball Academy explained that KKU Volleyball Academy [KKU VA] is under the collaboration of Khon Kaen University, AIA Co. Ltd., and 6 schools in the Northeast: 2 secondary schools: Wat Sawangkongka Municiapl Sports School 2 and Nongruawittaya School; and 4 elementary schools: Bankudchaingmee School, Laokhuangnonsiawwittaya School; Ban Nongkhamsabaeng School, and Buabansamakkee Community School. The competition has been organized for two years. The MOU is aimed at enhancing the collaboration in volleyball in Isan and to open a chance for youths and school students with potentiality in the sports to join the competitions that are held at different levels (national and international), and to enable the students to train and accumulate their experiences from joining the competitions until they can join professional leagues.

KKU Volleyball Academy (KKU VA) will have continuous activities such as volleyball competitions among schools in the Northeast. There will be selection of players to enter the KKU VA to strengthen their capacities through training and experience accumulation.

News: Rawiportn Saisaenthong

Photos: Watunyu Chuamthaisong







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