KKU joins 3 professional organizations and an institution to hold the 2024 ECTI-CON, on green technology and innovations for sustainable future

“Khon Kaen is selected as the venue owing to the city’s being the key educational and research center of Isan and is where Khon Kaen University that has expertise in the related fields, is situated.”

Khon Kaen University and the Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications, and Information Technology Association (ECTI Association); Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Khon Kaen (RMUTI); and AI Engineering Institute (AIEI), organized an international conference on electrical engineering, electronics, computer, telecommunications and information technology – the 21st ECTI-CON 2024 from May 27 to May 31, 2024 at the Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Khon Kaen University Science Park. The opening ceremony was held on May 29, 2024, and was presided over by Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University. Assoc. Prof. Kritsanapong Pansri, Ph.D., Department of Electronics Engineering and Communications of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Khon Kaen, as the Chairman of the event, delivered the reporting speech; while Prof. David Banjerd, Ph.D., President of the Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications, and Information Technology Association (ECTI Association) welcomed the participants, who were researchers, students, and engineers from many countries all over the world, and joined the conference both on site and by VDO Conference.

รศ.ดร.กฤษณะพงศ์ พันธ์ศรี ปธ.จัดงาน กล่าวรายงาน
Assoc. Prof. Kritsanapong Pansri mentioned in his reporting speech, “ECTI-CON 2024 is joined by participants from many countries worldwide. It is a good chance to build the research network and future collaboration. We received support from various leading institutions and organizations, which makes this conference important and interesting.”

ศ.ดร.เดวิด บรรเจิดพงศ์ชัย นายกสมาคม ECTI กล่าวต้อนรับ
Prof. David Banjerd, ECTI President said, “This conference is an important opportunity for exchanging knowledge and experience in electrical engineering, electronics, computer, telecommunications and information technology, and will enhance collaboration among researchers from ASEAN countries and elsewhere.”

รศ.นพ.ชาญชัย พานทองวิริยะกุล อธิการบดีมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ประธานกล่าวเปิดงาน
Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, President of Khon Kaen University said that ECTI-CON 2024 featured important topics related to how we can make sustainable Green Environment, and there were academicians in electrical engineering, electronics, computer, telecommunications and information technology coming to learn and share different concepts. So the conference was the important venue for creating innovations and technological collaboration. It was the initial step for creating inspiration, cooperation and operation for sustainable future for everyone. This corresponds to Khon Kaen University’s policy to become a Green and Sustainable Campus.

The topics in ECTI-CON 2024 included: Circuits & Systems, Communications, Control Systems, Medicine & Biology, Industry Applications, Robotics and Automation Antennas, Electromagnetics, RF/Microwave Components and Circuits, Computer & Computational Intelligence, Education, Geoscience & Remote Sensing, Energy & Power Electronics, Signal Processing.
News / Photos: Benjamaporn Mamook



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