Congrats to “Miss Yona” from KKU Demonstration School, who shows her skill as a writer at age of 10, by publishing her fiction, getting some earning and out-of-class skill

A school is not only an academic institution that transfers academic knowledge, but “Khon Kaen University Demonstration School, Secondary Division (Mo Din Daeng)” is also a venue for learning outside classroom to increase life skill and lifestyle that leads students toward future occupation. This has partly led to “Miss Yona Tewthao” or “Nana”, a 7th grader of Khon Kaen University Demonstration School, Secondary Division (Mo Din Daeng), now aged 12 years old, to spend 2 hours of her time after school to write fiction at the School’s Library where books of various topics and sorts are available as well as the atmosphere that enhances her concentration.

After her obsession with cartoon reading since Grade1, Nana has begun to dream to draw cartoon  by herself. But that was only a dream, for it was too much for a 6-year-old girl. However, Nana’s love of reading still remains. At the age of 10, when she read a periodic Chinese fiction and watched Chinese series such as “Paramajarn Latthi Man”, Nana’s dream returned, now to become a writer with her own fictions.

Yona allocated her time to learn on line and write fiction. She began by writing an online fiction using the Readawrite Application, entitled “I Promise or ‘Kham Sat Patiyan”. The fiction was an ancient Chinese fiction of a divine or a great master. The story related about the love of man to man. Even though this writing came out of her exhaustion from working until late at night and sometimes she felt having no more inspiration, the outcome on the contrary gave her a big reward from having over 7,000 readers.

The feedback made Nana decide to tell her mother that she wanted her online fiction to be published. Both her mother and father did not hesitate at all to support her by proofreading and also by paying for the publication cost. The book itself and the drawing on the cover were done by Nana herself, making the 300 copies of the fiction beautifully made.

.”My friends, teachers and everyone around me all supported me until this fiction completed. Now the earning I received from my mom’s friend and from online readers is over 3,000 baht. Some other friends also wanted to buy, but they don’t have money, so I left some copies at the school library for all to read.”

Even though today Yona has her own publication of her fiction, she thought it is only a start. The important aim is to be a professional writer in the future. She also left some words for her friends who want to be a writer to be courageous to begin and not to hesitate. This is true particularly on this digital era where there is the space for everyone to post their work, which is also easily accessed. “Do not worry, do not be afraid or do not fear there will be no readers. You’d be sadder if you hadn’t started.”

The success of Yona today is from the support of her mother or Asst. Prof. Tananan Bunwanna, Ph.D., a lecturer in the field of humanities. Her mother said that Yona liked to read after she could remember and could relate tales when she turned 3 years old. She has grown up with books and reading, both at school and at home. When she went to a mall, she would go to a bookshop. The books she reads can be tales, fictions, and cartoons. Most of the books are the collection of her elder sister at home. This experience makes Nana’s language so smooth and beautiful that no one can tell the writing is done by a little girl.

“We saw her full potentialities and wanted to support her. Although the fiction she was writing was related to LGBTQ+, which may not be understandable to many, the important thing is that mother and father must accept it, listen to her, do not make any judgment and learn about her imagination. Then we give her support, both mentally and financially to bring her work to achievement. And what returns is the pride we have of our daughter with the first work she did on her very own.”

Asst. Prof. Chutima Wongphralap, Nana’s class teacher said that in the class, Nana is a prudent, thoughtful and careful student. She always contemplates about things in details. Although her study is tougher than other students because she is in a special program, she can divide her time well and can go after her dream. After knowing that Nana was writing a fiction, all teachers and friends have supported her all along.

Khon Kaen University Demonstration School, Secondary Division (Mo Din Daeng) supports students learning by using technology such as Google Classroom in warning students about the due dates of assignments of different subjects so that students can better allocate their time. The school also provides learning space outside classroom for all students to develop their potentials and progress on their own path for their future occupational skill.


News: Phanit Khatanak

Photos: Watchara Noichompoo


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