October 20, 2021 at 14:30 p.m. at the 35th Anniversary Building of Khon Kaen University Demonstration School (Mo Dindaeng), Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University – A welcoming ceremony was scheduled to welcome Dr. Khunying Kalaya Soponpanit, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and the delegation including Dr. Somsak Jungtrakoon, Khon Kaen Governor; Dr. Supat Jampathong, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education; Dr. Somjai Wisesthaksin, Assistant to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry; Dr. Supachai Janpum, Khon Kaen Provincial Education Head Officer, Region 12, Vice Governors and their team to the KKU Demonstration School. The purpose of this visit was to observe the progress in the instructional system of the school, the “Smart Learning & Coding to Create Innovators”, which has been implemented by the school until it reaches the success. Assoc. Prof. Sumalee Chaicharoen, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Education gave the welcoming address while Assoc. Prof. Isara Kanjak, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Strategies and Organizational Development of the Faculty made the presentation of the implementation and showed the delegation the classroom demonstration, where the Assistant Minister and her team were also welcomed by the school teachers, staff and students.

Assoc. Prof. Sumalee Chaicharoen, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Education related that the Demonstration School of Khon Kaen University is developing towards becoming a leading school in educational innovation that teaches students to possess creative thinking and to become digital innovators. One of the processes undertaken is to operate instruction by the “Smart Learning & Coding”, which is aimed at building innovators from the primary up to the secondary level. Another process is to use the curricular model that develops the potentials of learners so that they possess the necessary skills for the 21st Century. The new instruction approach enhances the quality of the future human resources of the country. This will lead to national security, wealth, and sustainability. The Dean then thanked the delegation for the visit and the continuous support of the Coding Policy.
After the welcoming address by the Dean, Assoc. Prof. Isara Kanjak, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Strategies and Organizational Development presented the “Smart Learning & Coding to Create Innovators Model”. The presentation was followed by giving the delegation the token of appreciation, which are the ceramic products made by the students of the school.
Dr. Khunying Kalaya Soponpanit, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education expressed her feeling towards the school instructional system and the visit. “From what I’ve seen, the Coding integrated learning model of the school is truly successful and attains its set goals. Khon Kaen University Demonstration School deserves being the model for rural schools in terms of the Coding instructional approach. I hope the approach, the technique and the innovation will be extended to other places. We have frequently heard about “Unplugged Coding”. This is one form of educational reform that will lead to equity of education. There is no need for investment. The students are only to be given the chance to learn and play and acquire the skills that are the ‘must’ of the digital world. They will then become the Smart Citizen 4.0 of the country. Basic education at the young level should be improved in order for the students to step successfully into the future. Thanks to the Demonstration School of Khon Kaen Univesity for the implementation and the proof that this innovation works. What is important is that the students must learn how to solve their own problem and bring the skills to solve the social and community problems in the future. However, we should not forget that in order to build a good citizen there are the beautiful cultures and traditions, as well as virtue, gracefulness and moral of the Thai people to instill in the students. With all of these, we will be able to compete with other countries,” Dr. Khunying Kalaya Soponpanit said.
After this, the delegation visited the classroom to observe ongoing teaching and learning and saw the technological and innovation inventions of the students.
News / Photos: Udomchai Supannawong